1st Guest: First Name
Last Name (Required)
2nd Guest: First Name
Last Name
Email Address (Required)
(C) - CELL PHONE # - (H) - Home Phone # (Required)
Home Address, City, State, Zip (Required)
Characters remaining:
Message to the Innkeeper and/or BnBFinder Gift Certificate code
Characters remaining:
Choose Your Estimated Arrival Time: (Required) MAIN HOUSE CHECK-IN: 3:30-8:30 P.M. CHECK-OUT by 11:00 A.M.
Choose Your Estimated Arrival Time: (Required) COTTAGE CHECK-IN: 3:30-11:30 P.M. CHECK-OUT by 11:00 A.M.
Search Site You Found Us On:
Reason For Visit:
Choose Your Cold Beverage Options for Breakfast: (Required)
HOT BEVERAGE An assortment of Kurieg Pods, Tea Bags and Hot Chocolate Packs are available to you in the Cottage. COLD BEVERAGEWould you like Orange Juice delivered each morning with your breakfast basket?
Choose Your Hot Beverage Option for Breakfast: (Required) (Please choose 1 option for each guest, or "None" if none apply)
Breakfast is Always Cook's Choice!Food Allergies/Restrictions: (Required)(Please choose your options or "None" if none apply)
Gluten Intolerant, Vegan, Dairy Free, Medical Restrictive Diet: Please Note: To cover the cost of special ingredients to be purchased and prepared for french toast, egg bakes, desserts, cookies, breakfast breads, etc., an additional charge per person will be added to your reservation based on the number of nights. Please let us know in "Message to the Innkeeper" how many in your party require one of these options. Vegan/Dairy Free option is not available if you are making a reservation less than 72 hours from arrival.
Explain Special Dietary Needs/Restrictions Here
Which Check-IN option would you prefer? CHECK IN WITH INNKEEPER – (March – November) 3:30-8:00 p.m. SELF CHECK-IN – (YEAR-ROUND) 3:30-MIDNIGHT