Cancellation Policy
We hate to see you cancel, but if you should cancel, it must be sent in writing to This is required to protect you and our company from accidental cancellations. We will not accept cancellations from a third party.
You may cancel within 24 hours of booking and you will receive a full refund, minus a 4% processing fee.
Cancellations made after the 24 hour grace period and up to 15 days before arrival date, will receive a full refund minus a 15% cancellation fee or $75.00, whichever is greater, and minus your initial 4% processing fee. Holiday deposits are nonrefundable.
Cancellations made between 6-14 days from arrival date will receive a credit voucher for full rental amount minus a 15% or $75.00 cancellation fee, whichever is greater, to use within 1 year of date of cancellation.
Cancellations made 5 days or less, No Shows, or same day cancellations will forfeit the full rental balance.
We do understand things happen but please remember that we are making a commitment to provide a service to you, so please be courteous and cancel within proper time frames. Extenuating circumstances will be addressed on a case by case basis and management decisions will be final. Rain, weather, or your schedule conflicts do not qualify for extenuating circumstances.
We do not issue refunds for in-climate weather including rain, cold, wind, snow, or other acts of Mother Nature out of our control, unless we are in a state mandated evacuation for our local area. If evacuation is mandatory in our area you will be issued a credit voucher only.
We do not issue refunds for early departures or late arrivals for any reason on any of our RV rentals.
Reservation dates may not be shortened after 14 days prior to arrival date or upon arrival.
Deposits are non-transferable to another guest.
In the event of a pandemic, government shutdown or an uncontrollable event, vouchers will be issued instead of refunds.
JenEric Adventures is not responsible for campground amenities (pools, hot tubs, wifi, cable, etc), changes or closures. You are renting your site, and we do not refund for campground-related issues. We will work with you in case of an emergency closure and may honor a voucher only based on individual circumstances and at our discretion. We can not control the actions of a campground or Mother Nature.